Friday 15 April 2011


Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera.. dah macam pembaca pemberita bunyinya
haririn harirat sekalian memandai je ubah ejaan 
maaf dipinta kerana telah lama Mina enggak update ini blog bajet macam la blog ni gelemor sangat
biasalah manusia ni, MALAS tu la sebab utama blog ni takde cerita baru

okey dah habis sesi minta maaf & kutuk diri sendiri selalu kutuk pe salah nye ye tak? diri sendiri yg kutuk diri sendiri

entah la kenapa mengapa sekarang ni Mina sangat² addict dengan bantal apa???? bantal? pantang ahli keluargaku sayang sama bantal! dah macam cerita P Ramlee dahh
pelik binti musykil!!
pantang nampak bantal, confirm lagi tepat dan benar Mina buat aksi WWE nak dapatkan bantal tu letak dekat kepala sampai dah terburai isi bantal tu jadinya.. nota baik: adik² jangan tiru aksi ini, kasihani lah bantal itu

sekarang ni pun waktu tengah menulis di pagi ini (sekarang dah pukul 4pagi, pagi le kan?) Mr./Mrs. Bantal setia menemani di sisi 
rasa macam nak tidur je tapi ye la mata ni susah nak tidur awal, asyik tidur pukul 2+ pagi.. Insomnia ke?

bantal ohh bantal, kenapalah engkau harus begitu empuk? kalau tidur takde engkau, maknanya aku takleh tidur mati dah seperti selalu
yg ni hanya la gambar yg dicilok kat google.. takdenye Mina nak guna bantal duri² mcm ni (tapi pe salahnye kan?)

pesanan SMS: bantal tu adalah bantal busuk Mina.. hahaha

dah habis dah cerita pasal bantal busuk, sekarang ni Mina nak tanya pernah dengar ayat ni?
"Que Sera, Sera, Whatever will be, will be"
tak pernah? well, its okay :)
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever will be, will be) was really a popular song from 1956's film, The Man Who Knew Too Much that was written by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans songwriting team
for me, this song really makes me for keep trying to accomplish my dream & see what will happen next in the future speaking la pulak
how I know about this song? thanks to Anis Ayuni's novel, Bayangan Rindu.. hehh! then I ber-google-ing about this song and then I found the lyrics

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me.

Que Sera, Sera,

Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.

When I was grew up, I fell in love

I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead
Will we have rainbows, day after day
Here's what my sweetheart said.

Que Sera, Sera,

Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.

Now I have children of my own

They ask their mother, what will I be
Will I be handsome, will I be rich
I tell them tenderly.

Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be. 

sweet kan? haha.. lawak betul tiba² speaking pagi² buta and bukak cerita pasal future.. kena virus futurism ke? lantak la, lagipun sekarang ni tengah layan lagu Lunatica 'Who You Are'.. perghh! pagi² buta layan lagu symphonic metal, buang tabiat ke MinaKuMina ni? entah la, ye kot? haha.. 

hah! just take quiz at Quizilla, and guess what i got?

You are...... MELLOW CELLO!

You don't care what people think. You are pretty stubborn, but don't like to admit it. You act out, even if you don't realize it, and want to breeze through highschool.

really? a stubborn-head? I maybe stubborn sometimes, but come on not every time plus I do care about others.. I'm not that cruel or heartless or something.. I'm a good+kind+caring person masuk lif tekan sendiri dah masuk suis dah...... (=.=)" lantak la orang nak komen pe.. this is me.

Hate me for who I am but do not love me for who I am not, got it?

p/s: esok (ke hari ni?) sekolah.. sekarang dah pukul 4.45 pagi. Nasib la esok kalau kena sound dengan cikgu waktu gotong royong

nota wajib:
don't forget to pray everyone


  1. entry terbaru kamu xhupdate kat belog akak..nape tah..kat belog akak masih tertera entri lama iaitu idea oh idea..heran betul..

    lagu que sera sera tuh mak akak salu nyanyik ms dia muda² dulu..

    kamu masih sekolah jgn tido lambat nnt camna nak concentrate dlm kelas..yg utama belajar k..

  2. pelik².. he3..
    terima kasih atas nasihat tu..
    saya mmg payah sangat nak tido awal, tapi nanti esok pagi kat kelas saya okey je. tak ngantuk pun, pelik betul! kalau saya tido awal, kat kelas esok, saya ngantuk, terbalik pulak

  3. ui..pinjam mata kamulah kalau gitu..akak ni nama je tua tp kena tido cukup 8 jam..

    p/s: bila nk hupdate dear..hep!

  4. akak mana ada tua......
    sedang2 saja kan?

    p/s: update dah~ tu pun jenuh kepala otak



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